Rebekka Steiger
ma quỷ vô đồng tử –                    ghosts without pupils

Galerie Urs Meile is looking forward to present ma quỷ vô đồng tử - ghosts without pupils, a solo show in two parts by Rebekka Steiger in Zurich and Lucerne. The Vietnamese title, as well as the works on display in both venues, bear evidence to the artist’s latest residence in Vietnam. In April 2023 Rebekka Steiger returned from Ho Chi Minh City, where she had lived and worked for seven months. Renting a tiny tube-house in a local neighbourhood and making an effort to learn and speak Vietnamese, the artist strived to submerse herself into an unknown surrounding and culture.

The discovery of painting materials very different to their Swiss equivalents as well as the intensity of daily life, including the presence of Vietnamese animism, prompted Steiger’s visual language and working method to evolve yet again.

September 7 – November 25, 2023
Galerie Urs Meile Lucerne


Press Release (PDF English)

Press Release (PDF German)


Thursday, September 7, 2023, 5.30 - 7.30 pm

Opening Hours

Tuesday - Friday, 10 am - 6 pm, and by appointment

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